Testers - Tests

Testers are object generators that create tests for a server. Tests are a set of commands that runs after a server has been switched on, to make sure its serving the network correctly.

Coding a New Tester Type

When creating a new tester type you should extend the class testers.TemplateTester.TemplateTester.

The python file containing the class should be placed in the src/testers package.

Here is the methods you should implement when writing a new Tester class:

class testers.TemplateTester.TemplateTester(name, testerConfigDict, testerParams)[source]

To be implemented by the child, runs the test

Returns:Return True if succeeded

Example Dummy Tester

Here is an example dummy outlet implementation

Example for a control INI Template File

Here is an INI template file from the dummy test above, which is placed in src/config/conf_testers/SSHController.ini:

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